end drinking water advisories

Despite pledge to end drinking water advisories, these 2 Manitoba First Nations still live under them

Despite pledge to end drinking water advisories, these 2 Manitoba First Nations still live under them

It was a time of celebration and relief in Shoal Lake 40 First Nation on Wednesday morning, as the community that borders southeastern Manitoba and northwestern Ontario marked the opening of a new water treatment facility and the end of nearly 24 years without clean running water. But more than 30 other First Nations are still fighting for access to clean drinking water that most Canadians take for granted, including two in northern Manitoba that have been under long-term drinking water advisories for years.

Federal election: If all parties agree that we need to end drinking water advisories in Indigenous communities, why haven’t we?

Federal election: If all parties agree that we need to end drinking water advisories in Indigenous communities, why haven’t we?

While Canada’s overall water quality is among the best globally — in 2016 a small town in British Columbia won gold for best municipal tap water in the world — First Nations have long struggled for access to safe drinking water. From mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows, Attawapiskat’s decades-long battle for safe water, to Shoal Lake 40 and Nesktanga’s battles for clean water, the commitment to solve drinking water for Indigenous communities has long been a statement made by many sitting prime ministers and hopefuls.